Coaching service

The usual starting point is asking you to complete as fully as possible the Runner Questionnaire. This gives a holistic picture of where you are as a runner. It is valuable to spend this time at the outset, so that the programme starts off from a fully informed position.


Fill out our questionnaire

Other testimonials

Dr Sarah Rowell, Chair of UK Athletics and former UK Marathon record holder (2.28) and Technical Consultant to the English Institute of SportDavid has shown tremendous intuition and drive to […]

Preface to my Book

I have set out below the preface from my book as it shows more about what I am like. Perhaps deludedly, I still think I can promote myself with a […]

'Who Does He Coach?'

Some of you may wonder ‘ Is this coach for me?’ so to add to the information shown on the website of what I am and what I am not, […]

What's In A Name?

That’s ‘runcoach 1to1’ I mean, not my actual name (third generation Russian immigrant in case you wondered, my great grand-father never got round to Anglicising the surname) . I liked […]
The Flying Runner
Pure Sports