Too much going on across the running world to be fully comprehensive for all coachees but I’ll do two parts.
Firstly, Swift Serpies.
In order of descending age:
Christine K – some 96 to 98% age gradings for this 60+ athlete at 3k and 10k. Bear in mind that at her peak in her mid 30s she twice won the Dublin Marathon, missed 1992 Olympic Marathon selection by 9 seconds and has a clutch of World Age Bests
Will G – super 10ks on both track and road, PBs on both counts, 31.13 road and 31.03 track, both of which are at the very top ranks of the UK V40 lists, and Will is 44 next birthday.
Xavier G – similarly some more PBs on track and road, shaving 32 mins at the Highgate 10,000s in the hottest part of the day
Izzy C – after some bad injury luck in early spring, and not yet full fit, Izzy returned with a Serpentine women’s Club record of 76.43 at the Hackney Half marathon, highly placed in the UK rankings with plenty more to come; a close-to-PB 35.06 at the Vitality 10k in Central London and a recent PB at 3000 of 9.50. Watch this space
Martin O’C doing justice to his speed endurance with nice blocks of time cut off his PBs at 3000 and 5000 metres, 9.00 and 15.42 respectively.
Chris O – very nicely recovered from his steamy London Marathon PB Chris took a further chunk off his 10,000m PB with 31.28 at the wonderful Highgate meeting
Chris W – the youngest of the Serpie speedsters and the one making waves without any current marathon goals – a swathe of chunky recent PBs and nationally ranked times include 30.40 at the Vitality 10k; 14.29 at 5000 in a stacked race at Loughborough, and 8.25 for 3000 in another British Milers Club race.
Secondly, a medley of other progress and plaudits:
Martin G in usual rock solid style continues to dominate the V40s in North Wales and the English border area, with several age group wins and numerous open podium places from 5k to half marathon; Maria S, former schoolgirl whiz, picking up various Kent V45 prizes as she heads to sub 41 for 10k (and Civil Service Champion to boot); Alex Baird leading home the women at the Triffic Trail 10k in Trent Park; Sophie R, who sits behind a BBC Newsdesk nurturing her VO2 max, hacking over 30 seconds from her parkrun PB with 21.31, a nice 50th Birthday Present To Self; Kentish equine fiend Becky M just a few vest widths shy of 40 minutes for 10k; 2nd place in the popular but hot Harry Hawkes 10 mile for hardman Paul P; Nick I consistently in 33 minute territory for 10k in some challengingly warm road races; and substantial PBs for Pedro at 5k and 10k; ditto Owen, celebrating hitting 50 with 2 recent 10k PBs
Amongst those happily picking up last orders in the spring marathon cycle, notable PB of 3.19 by V45 Neil C which he has been threatening for some time, super solid debut by age peer Demetrios, in his first year of any sort of regular running, with 3.48 at Stirling, fine endurance baptism for a 66 metre javelin thrower. Similarly hard earned and well paced debut PB of 3.49 by Megan E at Edinburgh.