Berlin is always a target for several and this year proved particularly fulfilling for some of the long term highly committed runners I coach. A great run and 3 minute PB by Martin O'C in 2.27.15, putting him well inside the UK Top 50 for the year. And new mother Mariah McC excelled with a sizeable PB of 2.51.07; when we renewed the coaching in February across the Atlantic she thought anything sub 3 would be very pleasing! Also well-deserved PBs by Rocco B, 3.09 after an injury blight through a chunk of summer; while a 7 minute PB at 3.33 was well earned by Matt H, who was keen to break four hours 18 months ago, which had previously eluded him. Not quite a PB, but 2.59.55 by Paul B with his fastest pace coming in the final 1k, conveys a clear story of desperation and bloody -mindedness to top off the aerobic foundations.
Closer to home, Izzy C who has been setting Serpentine club records since she joined in late Spring, showed again that good genes will always be handy if you put in the training and she won the Ealing Half marathon with a PB (and Serpentine club record) of 77.53 on a notoriously undulating course. Amongst others making progress at a stage when their birth certificates might suggest that the future would be about managed decline , a much deserved two minute PB in the Edinburgh Half by Bob E, 94 minutes, after a few years of coaching training and now into his 59th year.