'Who Does He Coach?'

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'Who Does He Coach?'

Some of you may wonder ‘ Is this coach for me?’ so to add to the information shown on the website of what I am and what I am not, here is a snapshot of the diversity of who and what I coach.  Some of these reflect the nature of who actually does running, some of them no doubt reflect how I present myself. Don't forget when looking at the breakdown that it can only add up to 100%!


·         70% male/30% female

·         75% are primarily marathoners (including  a handful of ultra types)/ 25% focusing on shorter endurance events. Please note –   the IAAF, the sport’s world governing body consider 5000 metres as where long distance running starts and so do I.


·   live or work in Greater London or South East England/25% in the rest of the UK/5% overseas

·         Age profile is 5% younger than 25/ 35% 25 to 35/34% between 36 and 45/26% 45 plus



 Sub 2.32 – 16%

·         2.34 to 2.49 – 8%

·         2.50 to 3.10 – 32%

·         3.11 to 3.40  28%

·         3.40+ 16%   

The median finishing time in the London Marathon is now about 4 hours 40. I have only ever coached 2 runners who took more than 4.40 for a marathon but have coached several who I have gladly coached towards breaking 60 minutes for 10k before launching themselves towards the full 26.2 miles. At the other end of the performance spectrum, some of the very swiftest runners I coach have no marathon goals, and if you are trying to get a high national ranking at 3k or 5k, why would you?  So, there you have it. I do coach endurance running across all levels.

New Marathoners

A caveat here. If you are seeking marathon coaching for your debut over the distance, and there are less than five months to go before your marathon and you haven't yet run under 2 hours 5 mins for a half marathon, I won't be willing to coach you. I might be your future marathon coach or I could become your current 10k or half marathon coach but based on a vast volume of experience my view is that you should be deferring your marathon. Or you should seek a coach with a different approach. And good luck if you do so.

The Flying Runner
Pure Sports