The autumn road races roll on.
On 23rd October Paul Piper raced to 69.03 at the prestigious Valencia half whilst at the very much wetter Abingdon marathon that morning there were a trio of fine results. Martin Green ran his first marathon since turning 48 and placed a splendid 3rd in 2.35. A big breakthrough by Hallam G, 2.39 representing a 22 minute PB and a super conversion of his 10k and half progress. One of the lowest mileage sub 2.40s so hopefully plenty more to come. Whilst Dom H finally kept the marathon mental demons at bay, ran very sensibly and with a little in reserve and scored a big PB of 2.51.
Particular plaudits for Amanda W who after a rollercoaster of a build up that was majorly hit by long covid persisting throughout September, somehow trimmed her PB in Chicago to 3.32. In the preceding days we had discussed a regular run/walk pattern to reflect how covid was still affecting all her training, and calculated this might bring her home just under 4 hours. A week later in Amsterdam George H knocked out a 9 minute PB in 3.18,with two even halves to the very second.
The later autumn target races had various climactic weirdness to mess with runners' minds and plans. There was heat in both New York city and Richmond Virginia, both up to 23/24 celcius at race time in November. And very strong winds in Indianapolis, with 20mph for most of the race before a brutal wave of 40mph in the final 10k. Particularly excellent then was Martin O’Connell's new PB of 2.25.56 placing him 11th . The big hope now is that he can take this fitness into the next one in milder conditions.
Absolutely no weather issues in Valencia, the best marathon that isn't a major. Stunning elite depth as ever and slightly further back was a tremendously strong PB of 2.23.10 by Paul Piper fresh from his 41st birthday, making him the UK V40s' 6th fastest for 2022.
Also with a PB was his age peer Nick Impey, 2.27.37 with a series of toilet stops in the second half depriving him of the hoped for 2.25.
Also an 8 minute PB with a very well judged 3.12 by Brad W and holding back the years, now well into his 50s, Luke S ran a meticulously well-paced 3.16, negative split included. Not a PB, by some margin, but with over 30 marathons in the log this was one of his most pleasing.