This training element can combine any of the following, and all the permutations within each discipline
Without going into detail in this website, a runner will run faster if, all other things being equal, they are stronger. Strength is accepted within sports performance as ‘the maximum force that can be exerted in a single maximum effort’. Therefore, neglecting your strength will limit your ultimate potential as a runner and leave you more vulnerable to running related injuries.
Endurance running does not make you stronger as it involves sustained effort at well below maximum level. There is much robust research showing that even amongst good level runners, their actual leg strength, without dedicated strength training, is no greater than non-runners. Legs aside, in key running areas such as hips, gluteals, trunk and lower back, runners may be no stronger than sedentary people. It should be easy to appreciate that if you build up an increased level of cardio-vascular fitness that enables your aerobic fitness to move quicker than any part of your body is strong enough to sustain, something will give way.
As a guideline,I will include in your programme some strength and conditioning contents which are:-
Simple enough to do in your own home
Suitable to be done effectively in relatively short sessions
Do not require purchase of any expensive equipment
Often based around using your bodyweight as the form of resistance
Timetabled so that they do not hinder, or interfere with your other running training and particularly any races